In line with the latest Government announcement all of New Zealand will be moving into the new Covid-19 Protection Framework (traffic light system) on Friday 3 December.

Once we enter the new system, to comply with the Covid-19 Protection Framework you will need to provide your My Vaccine Pass to club staff for verification. From Friday 3 December, your AF Key Fob will not work until your My Vaccine Pass has been verified by club staff.

For your convenience and to ensure uninterrupted access to the gym, you can have your My Vaccine Pass verified now in preparation for moving to the new system.

You can verify your My Vaccine Pass either in club during staffed hours or via email to your club. Please follow the steps for your preferred option below.



  • We are moving to the new Covid-19 Protection Framework (Traffic Light system) next Friday, 3rd December
  • You can verify your My Vaccine Pass by emailing the club now
  • At 12.00am (midnight) on Friday 3 December your membership will remain active, but your Key Fob access will be disabled until you have completed the My Vaccine Pass verification process below.
  1. Download your My Vaccine Pass:

If you have not done it already, you need to download your My Vaccine Pass by following the instructions here or by going straight to My Covid Record

  1. Verify your My Vaccine Pass with our staff via email or in club:

Once you have your My Vaccine Pass the next step is to have that verified by our staff. Before you can access the gym when we move to the new Covid-19 Protection Framework, from 12.00am on Friday 3 December, you will be required to have your My Vaccine Pass verified which staff will do via the NZ Pass Verifier App.

  1. Email the Club a screenshot of your My Vaccine Pass:
  • Open your My Vaccine Pass in the App
  • Take a screenshot of your My Vaccine Pass, clearly showing all your details and the QR Code
  • Attach your screenshot image to an email with the subject “MY VACCINE PASS”
  • Send the email with your My Vaccine Pass attached to your Club email address
  1. We will verify your My Vaccine Pass and activate your AF Key Fob:

We will scan your My Vaccine Pass with the NZ Pass Verifier App and record that we have verified your My Vaccine Pass in our system. Our system does not record any personal details – the system simply shows that your My Vaccine Pass has been verified with the expiry date and that you may enter the club.

  1. We will delete your email:

For privacy reasons, once we have verified your My Vaccine Pass we will permanently delete your email from our server

  1. You can use the gym with your usual 24/7 access:

This will then activate your AF Key Fob so you can gain 24/7 access to your home club.

  1. Verify via Email or In Club Once:

You will only need to have your My Vaccine Pass verified once to activate your key fob for 24/7 access to your home club. This verification is valid for a period of 6 months.



  • We are moving to the new Covid-19 Protection Framework (Traffic Light system) next Friday, 3rd December
  • You can verify your My Vaccine Pass in the Club during staffed hours now
  • At 12.00am (midnight) on Friday 3 December your membership will remain active, but your Key Fob access will be disabled until you have completed the Vaccine Pass verification process below:
  1. Download your My Vaccine Pass:

If you have not done it already, you need to download your My Vaccine Pass by following the instructions here or by going straight to My Covid Record

  1. Verify your My Vaccine Pass with our staff via email or in club:

Once you have your My Vaccine Pass the next step is to have that verified by our staff. Before you can access the gym when we move to the new Covid-19 Protection Framework, from 12.00am on Friday 3 December, you will be required to have your My Vaccine Pass verified which staff will do via the NZ Pass Verifier App.

  1. We activate your AF Key Fob:

We will record that we have verified your Vaccine Pass in our system, which does not record any personal details – the system simply shows that your My Vaccine Pass has been verified with the expiry date and that you may enter the club.

  1. You can use the gym with your usual 24/7 access:

This will then activate your AF Key Fob so you can gain 24/7 access to your home club.

  1. Verify in Club or via Email Once:

You will only need to have your My Vaccine Pass verified once to activate your key fob for 24/7 access to your home club. This verification is valid for a period of 6 months.

  1. When can I verify the My Vaccine Pass in the club:

Our Club staffed hours are available on our webpage or on the Door of the Club.

Using Clubs other than your Home Club as part of our Reciprocity Agreement:

  1. To access other clubs around the country you will need to follow the same process as above for each club you wish to visit.
  2. You can do this via email or by visiting the club you wish to use during their staffed hours.
  3. You will only need to do this once for each club you wish to use.
For more information and FAQs click here

Thank you

We appreciate you taking the time to follow this process so we can welcome you into the Club once the new framework is in place. Our team will be working hard to make things as smooth as possible for all our members and we thank you for your support and understanding during this transition.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to visit your club during staffed hours or contact your club by email or phone.

We can’t wait to keep making healthy happen for you.